尽管是二刷 每一集刚播出一点就可以想起全集 脑洞大开 继续走温情 友情宠物情爱情亲情都囊括在这个18集的美国动画中 真的超爱飞出个未来 see u in the other channel 终于不再是fry单恋leela的最后一集 还混杂了我最近狂热中的音乐剧哈哈 很欣喜了 #e3u make me breathless #12fry是真爱 #13 calculder 2021再次补完
Who is the judge? The judge is God. Why is he God? Because he decides who wins or loses. Not my opponent. Who is your opponent? He does not exist. Why does he not exist? Because he is a mere dissenting voice of the truth I speak!